Santa Fe Opera Summer 2014 Schedule

Santa Fe has not only magical summer evenings, but also a beautiful, world class, open air opera house. Each season is a creative feast of costumes, set design and classic productions that should not be missed. This years season begins June 27 and goes until August 23.

Seats are available throughout the summer for most shows, but some will sell out on special nights and during certain weeks. Gracing us this year on our stage will be Carmen, easily the most famous opera ever written and one that even the most novice of ears would recognize. Don Pasqual, Fidelio, DR. SUN YAT-SEN and in a rare presentation, two shorter operas THE IMPRESARIO & LE ROSSIGNOL, will be paired together other evenings.

For the dates and times, ticket prices and seating, please refer to the Santa Fe Opera website.

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