Lulu’s Weekly Announcements about Bell Tower Activities

For those who have not yet met Lulu…she’s the boss. Boss, mascot and mans best friend. She wanted to let you know about a few exciting things happening at Bell Tower Properties.

Firstly, our wonderful Las Campanas Listing on 49 Dayflower is under contract!

We also are happy to announce that the South Capital gem we have listed on 315 Sena Street has a price reduction! It is now listed at $574,000!!  mls#201304931

** Contact Craig Huitfelt for Showing  (505) 660-1108

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Also with a recent price reduction, 1494 Clarke Street! 3 bedroom/2bathroom for $220,000! mls# 01303349 **

Contact the Welch Twins for a showing at 505) 577-7001

In addition, Lulu is proud to announce that Bell Tower is woking on some amazing new projects for Santa Fe! Keep in touch with us about some luxury additions to our beautiful city. More to come on that later…


While enjoying her morning bone and coffee yesterday morning, Lulu stumbled upon this interesting use of real estate in London! Check it out for yourselves.

Public Loo to Posh Apartment